What's special Perfect lot for Podium Construction! (See generic Pictures). Parking deck on the One or Two Lower Levels and wood construction on the 4 or 5 upper floors! Exciting development opportunity for Multi-Family, Apartments, and Townhomes! While the land is presently zoned RA and R-3, with the Amazing New Future Land Use Plan (Henry 2045), enacted in September 2023, this property qualifies for the Urban Residential Zoning Category, allowing for a multi-family density of 4 to 30 dwelling units per acre! Public water and sewer are readily available on site! Situated in a prime Mcdonough Parkway location close to shopping, this property offers a unique opportunity for development. Please note that the lease on the existing cell tower has already been sold. A permanent easement for the tower site remains intact. This property includes three parcels: 091-01013000, 091f01041002, and 091-01014002 Check out the link below for the New Future Land Use Ordinance, where the subject property is highlighted on the Future Land Use as Urban Residential on page 94 of the color-coded map. To view the full Future Land Use Ordinance, Please Visit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fcd0rymsseguvmjsbmfy44nlgkhhxx3/view?usp=sharing * Read Page 99 for Full Details of the New Urban Residential Zoning! * Don't miss this opportunity to explore the full potential of this prime development space! Prioritize a diversity of housing types within developments that can support a range of household Incomes and sizes; up to 30 dwelling Units per Acre should be Allowed If at least 20% of units are affordable at 80% AMI (Area Median Income) Consider the removal of Minimum Floor Area Requirements for Residential Uses to offer more Flexibility in design and market driven dwelling size; Alternatively, Set a low a minimum such as an Average Floor area size of 600 square feet per unit!